
Showing posts with the label Anti-Possession Tattoo Supernatural Forearm

Anti Possession Tattoo Supernatural

Jared and jensen both have tattoos, including ones on their wrists that match jeffery dean morgan's tattoo from his wedding. Is the anti possession symbol from supernatural real or made up? abstract pattern tattoos Patterntattoos Pattern tattoo The tattoos are to protect them from demon possession. Anti possession tattoo supernatural . It is featured as a pentagram or an endless knot that signifies protection to the ones that have the. Need a little protection from the supernatural? So, with permission, i would like to (or someone else can) merge the two pages together into one page, and delete the other. I had the age wrong. Originally posted to lj in 2009, from a birthday dedication in a discussion thread with mistresskat the previous year. It features a pentagram, or endless knot, which is the reason why it protects those who wear this symbol. As for the anti possession tattoos, not completely sure. The combination of the tree of pain and anti demon symbols...