
Showing posts with the label Sick Neck Tattoos for Guys

Neck Tattoo For Guys

This is a great tattoo that takes the classic “screaming eagle” design that has been a popular military des i gn and uses an expert application to complete this standard of american traditional tatt o oing. Realistic black and grey skull done on the side of guy's neck by eliot kohek, a tattoo artist based in annecy, france. Stephen James by Errikos Andreou Errikos Andreou We’re sourced some killer designs to browse over. Neck tattoo for guys . See more ideas about neck tattoo, neck tattoo for guys, small neck tattoos. Bold and powerful tattoos are the kind of body art many guys prefer and they will go all the way for ink work that defines who they are. Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. There are literally hundreds of really cool neck tattoo possibilities, and many are. It’s not unusual to see back of neck tattoos that arrest attention and cause the observer to think guys wearing them are either quite insane or very defiant in their stance. Beautiful neck tattoo des...